Our Policies


In an effort to provide the best service and care to our guests, we kindly request a minimum of 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. This will give our stylists and opportunity to fill their schedule and accommodate other guests on a waiting list. If less than 48 hours notice is given, you may be subject to a fee of 50% of your service total. If you no show to an appointment, you will automatically be charged 50% of the service booked.


If you know you will be running late, please let us know as soon as possible so we can adjust the schedule if necessary. We understand that life happens, and we generally allow a 10 - 15 minute grace period for guests. If we have not heard from you, we will call and check-in. If you are excessively late, it may be required to shorten your appointment or reschedule is all together.


Employees take pride on providing you with exceptional service and excellent customer care. With that being said, we DO NOT issue refunds on salon services. We are more than happy to schedule a corrective service free of charge. We will gladly adjust any service you receive within 3 days of your service.

Thank you for your understanding in these matters!